Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Favorite Holiday Movie

12 Days of Christmas: Day 5

My favorite holiday movie is The Polar Express. Namely, this particular scene...

This derives from the book being my favorite holiday book of all time.

I still remember wearing my pajamas to school in the first grade and our elementary school librarians setting the chairs up in rows like a train and serving us hot chocolate while the book was read aloud :) Such a good memory.  Hint, Hint, Megan...maybe you should do this with your class this year! (My friend Megan has such a cute little blog, and recently got a job as a third grade teacher! I'm so proud of her...and I secretly wish that I could be a part of her class around the holidays because I know how many fabulous ideas she has!)

I must say though, Eric recently bough me the new Christmas Carol movie by Disney, and I really do adore it. 
My favorite thing about it (and this is the English major coming out in me) is that it is very much like the book, in that it is a little on the dark side instead of overly commercialized and happy like a lot of Disney's movies. 2 thumbs up, Disney! Not to mention they included tons of lines, verbatim, from Dickens!

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