Saturday, October 1, 2011

{Day 1} of 31 Days of Balance

This October, I'll be writing a 31 day blog series on finding balance in the day-to-day. And I am in such good company.  I am excited to join a multitude of other women all committing to write for 31 days about something near and dear to their hearts.

My initial idea was to write for 31 days on finding peace...but that sounds like such a lofty goal, doesn't it? I decided we need baby steps. Single, simple baby at a time. And for me, finding peace involves striking a balance. Balance between work and marriage, balance between family and friends, balance between dreams and practicality. 

So let's work together toward balance this month, shall we? It doesn't have to be perfect. Your life will still be a little off-kilter. And there is no finish line. But we can all improve, and I'll be balancing right along beside you. Balancing a husband, friendships, my job, law school, spirituality, pro bono, house cleaning, productivity, the impending holidays, work outs...the list goes on. 

My husband bought this bracelet for me for my birthday last year.  It has what I like to think of as my life's "mantra" written on it: Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. 

I would encourage you to keep that line in mind for the next 31 days. Start where you are. Step 1: Go get yourself a mug of your favorite hot drink, and inhale deeply. See? We're off to such a good start already :) Here's to you, and to me, and a better, balanced self. I think we'll be pleasantly surprised as to just how much peace balance can bring.

If you're just starting out, you can continue with:

Day 2: Past & Present (here)
Day 3: Find Small Comforts (here
Day 4: Learn to Say No (here
Day 5: Prioritize (here
Day 6: Keep Moving (here)
Day 7: It's Okay to be Grumpy (here)
Day 8: Organize (here)
Day 9: Plan in Advance (here)
Day 10: Eat Healthy (here)
Day 11: Get your Workout On (here)
Day 12: Sleep (here)
Day 13: Embrace the Strategy (here)
Day 14: Know the Greater Purpose (here)
Day 15: Be Honest with your Spouse (here)
Day 16: Set Reasonable Goals (here)
Day 17: Set a Schedule (here)
Day 18: Redecorate (here)
Day 19: Embrace the Seasons (here)
Day 20: Removing the Limitations (here
Day 21: It's a Date (here)
Day 22: Be Flexible (here
Day 23: Find Support From Others Like You (here
Day 24: Define Your Own Self Worth (here)
Day 25: Choose Your Mentors Wisely (here)
Day 26: Spend Less, Balance More (here)
Day 27: Self-Reflect Often (here)
Day 28: Volunteer (here)
Day 29: Know When to Quit (here)
Day 30: Perspective (here)
Day 31: Relish the Normalcy (here)

[You can check out all the other 31-dayers here.]

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